Santa Cruz de Rosales is a town and seat of the municipality of Rosales, in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua. The Rosales region, formed by the middle and lower reaches of the San Pedro River, was evangelized during the seventeenth century by Franciscans who settled among the indigenous Conchos and founded the Misión de San Pedro de Conch…Santa Cruz de Rosales is a town and seat of the municipality of Rosales, in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua. The Rosales region, formed by the middle and lower reaches of the San Pedro River, was evangelized during the seventeenth century by Franciscans who settled among the indigenous Conchos and founded the Misión de San Pedro de Conchos in the mid-17th century. In 1714, the Franciscans planted a new mission with the name of Santa Cruz de Tapacolmes on the eastern side of the Río San Pedro and west of what is today the city of Delicias. The mission remained at that place until 1753, when it was relocated to its current place on the western side of the Río San Pedro, to improve defensibility from native attacks. The grounds where the new settlement was founded were donated by Sergeant Major Juan Antonio Trasviña y Retes and Nueva Vizcaya governor Manuel de San Juan y Santa Cruz. The settlement received the epithet of Tapacolmes by the Indians that Trasviña y Retes brought from the Ojinaga region to populate the settlement.