Weippe Prairie is a large clearing, a "beautiful upland prairie field of about two by three miles bordered by farmland made from cleared pine forests", just north of the Middle Fork Clearwater River at 3,000 feet elevation near the town of Weippe in Clearwater County, Idaho. Camas flowers grow well there and historically attracted native gatherers of the camas roots. T…Weippe Prairie is a large clearing, a "beautiful upland prairie field of about two by three miles bordered by farmland made from cleared pine forests", just north of the Middle Fork Clearwater River at 3,000 feet elevation near the town of Weippe in Clearwater County, Idaho. Camas flowers grow well there and historically attracted native gatherers of the camas roots. This location is where the Lewis and Clark Expedition emerged from crossing the Bitterroot Mountains on the Lolo Trail and first met the Nez Perce tribe of Native Americans, in September 1805. The site was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1966 and is now part of Nez Perce National Historical Park.