Giant deep-sea spider spotted crawling on ocean floor near Antarctica - Researchers suspect species grows so large partly due ...
Females are a dull brownish gray but — like their namesake, the peacock — male sparklemuffins pull out all the stops in the ...
Since the Industrial Revolution, human activity has led to a surge in environmental noise. The sounds of traffic, airplanes, ...
As the weather grows warmer, more spiders will begin to appear. Here are the 10 venomous spiders in Louisiana and typical ...
"Spiders do not usually run towards people when they sense danger. This would be like humans running towards something like ...
She said: 'When I was putting my shopping into the car, I noticed debris stuck to the banana, and on taking a closer look, I realised it was spider silk with bits of leaf. 'Then I spotted the ...
A nursery owner in West Sussex got a shock after an eight-legged stowaway was found on a shipment of olives from Cordoba, ...
A new study provides detailed insights into the embryogenesis and eye development of the cave-dwelling spider Tegenaria ...
An American and a Japanese were among people who helped identify the mystery spider sac photographed by a Singaporean. Read ...
But they’re not the only crawlies on the move, and more will come as the climate warms. Michaela Gower reports. A few years ...
A breed of Huntsman spider appears to be establishing itself in Napier, an arachnid expert says. Associate Professor of ...