Something else to consider: A honey bee hive is a wonderfully complex structure. The layers of wax combs built to store honey and raise offspring are a marvel of architecture and require a large ...
Inside a fenced compound in Kyebando, off the Northern Bypass in Kampala, lies a thriving beekeeping operation. Over 10 colonised bee hives sit in one corner, remarkably without any incident of people ...
New insights into bee movements and life cycles have been uncovered after researchers tracked the insects using tiny QR codes ...
Devin Gentry, along with his wife, Lindsay Green, and their daughter, Iris, manages “Bee. honey + hive,” a thriving 200-hive ...
Young worker bees are generally those found inside the hive maintaining the honeycomb structure and attending to the queen. Older workers are relegated to tasks outside the hive, such as foraging ...