Fast-moving stars zooming through our galaxy might have been slingshotted from a black hole inside the neighbouring Large ...
This is also unprecedented behavior for a black hole. If these weird episodes are the result of an orbiting white dwarf, a type of stellar remnant left behind when a star with around the mass of ...
Rather than succumbing to star-shredding tidal forces, such a white dwarf would instead trickle-feed a small fraction of its matter to the black hole. This could offset the orbital energy being ...
White dwarfs are among the most compact objects in the cosmos, though not as dense as a black hole. Stars with up to eight times the mass of our sun appear destined to end up as a white dwarf.
White dwarfs are among the most compact objects in the cosmos, though not as dense as a black hole. Stars with up to eight times the mass of our sun appear destined to end up as a white dwarf.