Wool is loaded into the mill's antique carding ... Though the company once produced more than half of the blankets made in America, it couldn’t withstand the Great Recession.
If you need to signal for rescue, waving a wool blanket can make you more visible. A brightly colored blanket works best, but even a neutral-colored one can grab attention if you move it in a ...
Some people are already capitalizing on the looming closure of The Bay stores in Canada by reselling iconic items online.
Throw blankets come in just about every material you could want, but I prefer to stick to ones made of natural fibers like cotton, wool, linen, and cashmere. They’ll be softer, snugglier ...
When it comes to finding a blanket, the material is key. To make sure you’re getting top quality, look for those made with 100 per cent wool. You may even want to opt for luxury blankets crafted ...
Prices are being reduced by as much as $100 per unit, which the 160-year-old manufacturer attributed to optimizing its ...
From providing woolen blankets for pioneers heading west and comforting our troops through two world wars, to today's products that are built to last, the company and its workers are woven into ...
Hudson’s Bay has used some 28 labels since 1890, a practice that began so that it could differentiate its England-made wool ...
Hudson’s Bay has used some 28 labels since 1890, a practice that began so that it could differentiate its England-made wool blankets from those of its competitors. Since 2022, all sales proceeds ...