A good logo can help skyrocket a company's name-brand recognition and success. (A bad one, on the other hand, can embarrass it). We've put together this list of the best, most beautiful tech ...
An curved arrow pointing right. When companies set out to design logos to brand their products, they often go above and beyond to create recognizable and memorable graphics. Over and over again we ...
Logos aren’t just there to look pretty or to label your brand; they should be designed purposefully, with meaning behind each ...
Sure, the logo for Twitter cofounder Biz Stone's Q&A app Jelly looks like a jellyfish. But it's also a brain.
What type of companies use market segmentation ... A brand is much more than a familiar name or logo that identifies a business, product, or service and is presented through traditional ...
Logos are a key partof the identity of a business.As the company becomesmore well-known, so does the logo.Many logos are based around a nameor the initials of the company.Others are more abstract ...