Still, there are animatronics out there that make a good go at the job, of which this somewhat creepy mechanical mouth is a fine example. Why exactly [Will Cogley] felt the need to build a ...
which he says is not a horror game, but is nonetheless pretty creepy. A trailer released in October showed the original series' jump-scare animatronics in a cutesy role-playing scenario.
Animatronics for movies is often about making ... More recently we saw Gawkerbot, which uses a CD-ROM drive to provide motion for a creepy robot’s eyes.
with bloody results! Hoegen's journey to becoming an animatronics designer began with a galaxy far, far away. His father took him "at an early see Return of the Jedi," Hoegen recalled in ...
Along the way, they will encounter murderous animatronics that will hunt them down at the behest of the tower’s master, the creepy and mysterious Mr. Twister. As shown in the Twisted Tower demo ...