He seems happy, but since a bad breakup months ago, he hasn't stepped outside or cut his hair, and his behavior is worrying ...
DEAR ABBY: I’ve been married to my husband for 30 years. For the past five years, I’ve noticed that he is acting a little ...
Dear Abby: I have been married for 52 years. While looking for a tax document, I found a manila envelope that had a note ...
DEAR ABBY: I’ve been married to my husband for 30 years. For the past five years, I’ve noticed that he is acting a little different. He’s lost a lot of weight. I found out he’s been ...
Dear Abby advises a woman on what to do with the relationship she has with her sisters after their mother’s death.
DEAR ABBY: I am a senior woman and have been in a relationship for five months with a widower. His wife died three years ago. He calls me every night, and we see each other three to four times a ...
DEAR ABBY: My brother just got engaged to the “WOAT” (Worst of All Time). They have been dating for 2-1/2 years, and nobody in the family has anything good to say about her. In the past ...