Many known hominin fossils defy species classification, with the most famous example being the ever-enigmatic Denisovans. A ...
Until recently, scientists thought the modern humans with the highest proportion of Denisovan ancestry lived in Papua New Guinea and Australia. According to a new study published yesterday (August 12) ...
Some 350,000 or more years ago, the group of hominins that would evolve to become Neanderthals and Denisovans left Africa for Eurasia ... out of Africa and began interbreeding with these other hominin ...
According to the results, there are hundreds of gene variants found in the population that indicate two distinct Denisovan lineages separated by 350,000 years, and there are enough differences in them ...
“Denisovans are known predominantly from genetic ... based on their work with the skull of an ancient hominin colloquially ...
Until now, at least 14 different species have been assigned to the genus Homo since it emerged in Ethiopia some 2.8 million ...
Out of Europe
“Out of Africa” has some plausible ideas, namely that Homo erectus advanced and went into colder climates and became Homo heidelbergensis, which led linearly to modern humanity. However, that requires ...
A groundbreaking discovery reveals Homo sapiens descended from two ancestral groups, not one. This complex origin story ...
Multiple models demonstrate how glacial cycle variability synchronized hominin habitat overlap, Denisovan-Neanderthal interbreeding, and early human gene flow ...
The first human-like traits to appear in the hominin fossil record are bipedal walking and smaller, blunt canines.
This map shows the proportion of the genome inferred to be Denisovan in ancestry in diverse non-Africans. The color scale is not linear to allow saturation of the high Denisova proportions in ...