Bob The Drag Queen: "Queer joy is resistance. Laughter is liberation. And as long as we've got each other, the category is: FREEDOM!" ...
Lydia B. Kollins, our freshly-eliminated queen from RuPaul's Drag Race Season 17 has finally tweeted about her last 3 track record before sashaying away! In a tweet, Lydia B. Kollins shared that her ...
In Friday's episode of RuPaul's Drag Race, the Season 17 queens participated in an acting ... "I like it, I think it's fun. It's a win-win situation." Now that she's out of the competition ...
The day started with a workshop where youth tested their own drag outfits and came up with their own drag persona, then there ...
Sparkle and Sip is heading to regional Queensland, combining drag and crafting for a night that will leave participants ...
Come to the show, put your worries aside and enjoy. But when you leave, let it be a reminder of what we are fighting for.” – ...
The family of Ru Paul's Drag Race star The Vivienne has confirmed the drag queen died from a cardiac arrest after taking ...