Some secondary schools are having to cut back on their curriculum because of problems recruiting staff, Wales' chief ...
Estyn warned teaching must improve in half of secondary schools in Wales, with the inspectorate raising serious concerns ...
Owen Evans said Estyn school inspectors were also starting to see more difficulties retaining staff. Giving evidence to a Senedd committee, Mr Evans said recruitment challenges "weaken the ...
The report refers to Wales' poor performance in international Pisa tests. The pandemic has hit many aspects of education and this report mentions handwriting as one, while "a significant minority of ...
Giving evidence on March 5, Estyn’s chief inspector Owen Evans said: “We try to focus on what matters and teaching, as you say, is absolutely at the heart of what we expect to see. “Yes, it is a ...
Estyn warned teaching must improve in half of secondary schools in Wales, with the inspectorate raising serious concerns about the quality of leadership. Buffy Williams, who chairs the Senedd ...
Understanding why children bring knives into school is better than a blanket exclusion policy, the chief inspector of Welsh education inspectorate Estyn has said. Owen Evans said the "easy answer ...
Mr Evans describes corresponding ”substantial ... seven of Wales’ 176 secondary schools were in special measures, the highest level of Estyn monitoring, four were listed as needing significant ...
Estyn's annual report also said problems recruiting qualified staff were having an impact on the quality of education and posed a "risk" to the system. Chief inspector Owen Evans said "strong ...