The cattle, goats, and camels that sustained the ... such as Haramaya and Harar east of Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa. But the capital city was a world unto itself, she adds, and people ...
Ethiopia's dairy sector has seen transformative growth, with milk production doubling to 12 billion liters and crossbred ...
Ethiopia’s dairy sector has experienced growth through the “Bounty of the Basket” (Yelemat Tirufat) initiative, nearly ...
Violent clashes between communities residing on either side of the Ethio-Kenya border resulted in the deaths of at least 30 ...
Helicopters can carry only small loads because of high altitude in the Ethiopian highlands. This camp was attacked several times by ravenous hyenas after all cattle had been killed. (CBC Photo ...
The Somali Regional State, located in the eastern part of Ethiopia, is one of the country's twelve regions. It shares borders with Somalia to the east, Djibouti to the north, and the Oromia and Afar ...
Some of the ancient Aksumite agricultural features resemble those of modern day rural farmers in northern Ethiopia/Eritrea, such as the use of cattle, sheep, goat, wheat, barley and tef. Modern ...
and Care Ethiopia provided aid, including dry fodder transported from Sululta town. "This time, there is no such assistance," he said. "The severe impact is evident in the loss of camels, cattle, ...