Many believe that God shows His presence through subtle but meaningful signs, offering guidance, protection, and blessings.
Health be yours, whatever you do, and may God send many blessings to you ... a faithful friend to share, for every sign a sweet song, and an answer for each prayer. May the winds of fortune ...
On the basis of age-old custom, water is one of the signs that the Church ... holy water or use it in blessing ourselves upon entering the church or at home, we thank God for his priceless gift ...
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. "May the road rise to meet you" is an Irish blessing that has been passed down through ...
Then the leader invites: Let us now pray for God's blessing upon all who gather around ... who fills us with the wonder of your love. be a sign of the joy that fills our hearts.