But you can play great golf while coming over the top. You just need to match it up with the right moves to neutralize your ...
In today's edition of Play Smart, GOLF Top 100 Teacher Tony Ruggiero explains why "keep your head down" is actually terrible ...
Initiating the shoulders, chest and arms with the backswing will create a solid, accurate shot. The club should remain ...
There's a lot his journey can teach us about the golf swing. Even Bellinger thinks so, as he told the New York Post: "You hear golfers ... Cody then wheels his front leg (his right leg, in this ...
In the latest installment of our PGA.com Fitness Series, PGA Coach Brendon Elliott and golf fitness guru Scott Shepard share ...
Welcome to Play Smart, a regular GOLF.com game ... art app which analyzes swing videos and spits out hundreds of datapoints about your body movements - is one such tool that can be used to do just ...