A varied thrush, a bird native to the Pacific Northwest, has been frequenting a bird feeder in the yard of Conway TV station ...
Typically bold, buffy eye ring and supraloral patch of most Swainson’s thrushes distinctive. Adult: in “olive-backed” group, upperparts olive-brown with slightly more reddish uppertail coverts.
With the dashing good looks of a dandy highwayman and the mentality of Vlad the Impaler, the great grey shrike sports a black, bandit-style eye mask reminiscent of medieval executioners so as not to ...
This species’ often confiding nature, distinctive plumage, pleasing song, and acceptance of human-dominated habitats make it one of the most beloved of North American birds. Polytypic.
The Bicknell's thrush uses a unique and ingenious breeding system among birds: Both sexes mate with multiple partners in a season — resulting in egg clutches fathered by several different males. This ...
A varied thrush, a bird native to the Pacific Northwest, has been frequenting a bird feeder in the yard of Valley Vision ...