I was shooting competition at a state range in Rhode Island. A friend of mine asked me to join the high power rifle team he ...
Today, the M1 Garand remains an especially sought-after rifle—in part because those movies, TV shows, and video games ... it remains an accurate range gun that can handle all types of weather.
In 2025, the match is scheduled from June 5-8 and includes Garand, Springfield and Vintage ... but it really focuses on the M1, to a large extent," said Steve Cooper, training, education and ...
The Ministry of National Defense has started an online auction for 84,417 M1 Garand rifles used in the 1950-1953 Korean War, ministry officials said Tuesday. The ministry is trying to find a pair of ...
“He wrote a letter home, how much he loved the M1 Garand Rifle,” Biggio said. “So I bought this rifle, just from a regular gun store. I began to take it to World War II veterans to see what ...