Are the bones of several tiny individuals from the island of Flores the newest addition to our family tree, or are they the remains of diseased humans only masquerading as an extinct species?
First unearthed in a startling discovery nearly 21 years ago, Homo floresiensis ... a jawbone and skull fragment, unearthed at the same site and previously described, represent four hobbit ...
A severe drought caused by climate change may have led to the extinction of the diminutive human species known as Homo floresiensis, or the Flores Man, around 50,000 years ago. The hobbit-like ...
Fossil finds such as Homo floresiensis, H. luzonensis ... introduced in 2021 after studying the Harbin skull. This large cranium bore characteristics distinct from Homo erectus or Homo sapiens ...
From the six- to seven-million-year-old Sahelanthropus tchadensis skull found in Chad ... visitors will see how physically adapted they were to cold climates. The tiny Homo floresiensis highlights ...