At the start of the Kosovo refugee crisis in April 1999, for example, Macedonia closed its border to Kosovar Albanian refugees, arguing that the mass influx of refugees of Albanian ethnic origin ...
The study by the World Bank’s Social Protection & Jobs team examines how seven countries integrate services and case ...
In the following decade, the U.S. resettled many refugees from the former Soviet Union, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iran, Somalia and Kosovo. Looking at the main countries of refugee origin from 1980 to ...
Kosovo is home to around 1.6 million people, with another 800,000 estimated to be living abroad, mostly in Germany and Switzerland. Many in the community first moved abroad as refugees fleeing ...
For Edona Pacolli, her new business in High Point is the fulfillment of a journey that started in 1999 half a world away. She and her family came to the U.S. as refugees of the Kosovo War when she was ...
Changes have drastically reduced the number of Afghans able to reach safety, creating a backlog that will take years to clear ...
Protecting refugees is – by its nature – controversial ... At UNHCR, she oversaw large-scale emergency operations in northern Iraq, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and the Great Lakes region of Africa ...
The EU has taken concrete actions to help refugees from Ukraine, including ... in particular from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. Temporary protection is an EU mechanism which is activated in ...
The desire of west European states to contain potential refugee flows from Kosovo, Turkey, and northern Iraq through “in-country” and regional strategies, and the very slow international ...