A legendary mariscos truck serves its last tostada after 41 years, two longtime Pasadena restaurants close, and more closings ...
Get ready to enjoy warmer weather, lighter wines and better fish at the best places for crudo in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is ...
Late winder and springtime openings include jiggly soufflé pancakes from a respected Japanese chain, a chef serving his interpretation of traditional Chinese, and more ...
Downtown— Downtown LA’s newest rooftop bar, Florentin, serves a menu of cocktails alongside Mediterranean-inspired small ...
Michelin recently released its newest additions to its 2025 Californa Guide, including seven Los Angeles restaurants.
As Musk’s Hollywood project creeps toward an opening, we recount the seven-year saga of the Tesla Diner & Drive-In ...
Eric Greenspan, a developer of delivery-only restaurants, is reported to be the choice as the company faces political ...
Workers gathered outside Original Pantry Cafe in downtown Los Angeles on Friday to host a pancake fundraiser to help raise ...
Belly Laughs will feature stand-up sets and appearances from 30 comedians and a sampling of more than 20 Asian restaurants ...
The more people move down here, the more desirable it is to live here.” Downtown L.A. saw success in residential, restaurant ...
South Los Angeles-based Post & Beam, a popular full-service restaurant, ended its long standing run with closing its doors on ...
Downtown Los Angeles is a 40-minute drive on the 101 Freeway. Burbank Airport is half an hour.