University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann and his attorneys presented misleading information to the jury in ...
Second blow to celebrity climate scientist in less than two months, already ordered to pay National Review half a million dollars for failed litigation.
A judge vastly reduced climate researcher Michael Mann’s award, accused him of false evidence and ordered him to pay $530,000.
D.C. Superior Court Judge Alfred S. Irving Jr. called disparities in the case “an affront to the Court’s authority.
Michael Mann, a leading climate scientist, previously won over $1 million from allegations that two columnists defamed him over his claims that humans worsened climate change, but the amount in ...
Mann had risen to international fame beginning in 1999 by propounding his “hockey stick graph,” which purported to show that global temperatures had risen very little until 1900, then began to ...
Even if you’ve never heard of Michael Mann, you will have felt his baleful influence on your energy bills. He is the inventor ...
A Superior Court judge has sanctioned Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael E. Mann and his legal team for presenting ...