The tool we've identified is called a Quina scraper. This type of stone tool is well known from archaeological sites in ...
Scientists have uncovered evidence that modern humans emerged from two long-separated ancestral groups, not just one. This ...
Your Neanderthal genes might be the reason you fight infections better- find out how ancient DNA shapes your health!
Modern humans and Neanderthals are classified as separate species. According to biologists, they shouldn’t have been able to ...
Early human evolution may have been more complex than scientists previously thought, with modern humans evolving from two ...
Scientists discovered humans descended from two ancient populations, not one. These groups split 1.5 million years ago.
An analysis of the semicircular canals in Neanderthal ears reveals evidence of a 'bottleneck' event, leading to a reduction ...
Cambridge University researchers have uncovered evidence that two distinct populations of ancient hominins, separated for ...
"Our history is far richer and more complex than we imagined," said human evolutionary geneticist Aylwyn Scally.
Modern humans descended from not one, but at least two ancestral populations that drifted apart and later reconnected, long before modern humans spread across the globe.
Ancient DNA is providing valuable insights that could help personalize treatments and drive innovations in modern medicine.