Ex-wife Marilyn Mosby, now under home detention, is being separately sued for more than $25,000 in unpaid credit card bills.
Nick Mosby, the former Baltimore City Council President, has a new job after lawmakers approved his appointment to the State ...
There’s nothing that I’ve done in the past” that amounts to “fraud, waste, abuse or corruption,” Mosby says, asserting that he is fully qualified to oversee one of the state’s largest income ...
Jurors acquitted Marilyn Mosby in most of the false statements prosecutors alleged, finding her guilty only of lying in a "gift letter" that claimed Nick Mosby would give her $5,000 to close on ...
former Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby. During the mortgage fraud trial, Nick Mosby testified on behalf of his ...
Marilyn Mosby’s legal team appealed to a panel of three appellate judges in Virginia Friday, making the case as to why they believe Mosby’s three federal convictions should be overturned.