Astrology reveals its influence on shopping habits, highlighting how celestial bodies like the Moon, Venus, Mercury, and ...
While social media has the potential to empower storytelling, it can also spread misinformation and lead to brain rot.
The study involved 218 college students aged 16 to 26, all of whom were recruited from Southwest University in China. Participants underwent an assessment of their online shopping addiction ...
But while some people only occasionally shop online, it seems that for others the habit is becoming an addiction - so much so that experts believe that it should be classed as a ‘mental health ...
Online communities and discussions reflect the widespread experience of shopping addiction, yet clinical recognition remains limited. One potential reason for this oversight could be the role of ...
Shopping addiction is not included in the list of ... She tells me of one client who found herself online shopping while her husband was being carried out of their house on a stretcher by paramedics.
Shopping can create the same release of endorphins and dopamine that other addictions create, and it can be a difficult cycle to break. This cycle can ultimately end in financial ruin not only for ...
Shopping addiction has been on therapist’s radar ... “You’ve got to find a way of navigating through modern life. Thankfully online shopping didn’t exist when I had my problem, and I ...