Your pap smear test results should be available on MyChart within a few days ... If any tissue looks suspicious, the doctor can obtain a sample of the tissue for testing. The doctor also can treat the ...
Pap smears and HPV tests are the two screening methods for cervical cancer. They both require a sample of tissue from the ...
Medically reviewed by Khadeja Haye, MD You can get a Pap smear while on your period, especially if you're only spotting or ...
Pap smear results HPV test Colposcopy: The doctor will closely ... the range of the atypical cells and possibly collect a small sample. Cone biopsy: If the colposcopy finds a suspicious area ...
You usually get a colposcopy if you have had abnormal results on your Pap test. This helps your doctor ... Your doctor will remove a sample of your cervical tissue and send it to a lab for a ...
According to Galup, ThinPrep's method of collection keeps the collected cells from drying out, which results in a more uniform, debris-free sample ... the ThinPrep Pap test is easier to read ...
Women with positive test results underwent colposcopy and biopsy, as did a random sample of women who tested negative. The sensitivity of HPV testing was 94.6%, whereas that of Pap testing was 55.4%.