Leaders of the Portland Diamond Project have asked lawmakers to modify the bill to increase the authorized bond amount from ...
The Portland Diamond Project is asking the Oregon Legislature for $800 million in bonds to help construct a professional ...
Supporters of the South Waterfront ballpark say taxpayers wouldn't be saddled with paying off the bonds, but a Portland MLB team and visiting teams would.
The MLB cities smaller than Portland have managed one World Series winner since 1990. A Portland baseball team would inevitably end up a poor cousin of the hapless – and winless - Seattle Mariners.
The request, more than five times the original ask, will come in the form of an amendment to a 2003 Senate bill that allows ...
The push to bring a Major League Baseball team to Portland got a major show of support from Oregon’s legislature Thursday.
Courtesy of Portland Diamond Project Oregon state senators on Monday heard from critics and supporters of a bill that would provide public money to help build a major league baseball stadium in ...
(KATU) — The Portland Diamond Project is urging Oregon lawmakers to approve $800 million in bonds to fund the construction of a new baseball stadium in Portland. The bonds would be repaid ...
SALEM Ore. (KPTV) - The Portland Diamond Project met with state legislators on Monday, seeking $800 million in bonds to help build a professional baseball stadium in Portland. The proposal ...
A recently released report revealed school administrators at Hudson’s Bay High School and Vancouver Public Schools officials ...