Red eyes are caused when blood vessels in the sclera (white part of the eye) swell or burst. This may cause redness in part or all of the eye and result in other symptoms such as itchiness or ...
Allergies, corneal injuries, and tiredness can be what causes bloodshot eyes. Infections like pink eye can also cause this ...
iritis or uveitis can cause: eye pain headache red or watery eyes changes in the shape of the pupils vision changes People with these symptoms must seek immediate help, as these conditions can ...
Carolyn Adelsten woke up feeling like something was in her eye and it wouldn't come out. She visited an eye specialist, got a diagnosis of mild dry eye disease and was told to ...
"There are other microorganisms, such as bacteria, that cause Red Eye disease, but this particular red eye outbreak in question is highly suspected to be viral one," said Gichangi. He added ...