Discover the forgotten tale of Batman's lost Robin: a story of sacrifice, redemption, and the lasting impact it had on the ...
Ever since the classic Batman story “Year One”, DC has used the “Year One” label to tell stories of the first year of many heroes’ lives especially those in the Bat-Family. Batgirl, Dick Grayson’s ...
with ex Jennifer Garner Allen Berezovsky/Getty While Ben Affleck said he initially took on the role of Batman to bond with his son Samuel, he's now revealing that it didn't pan out how he thought ...
Hold onto your horses, folks, as Batman #161 is about to deliver a twist so shocking that it will make the shock of Alfred's death pale in comparison.
Now not only does Batman have to protect his son from assassins, but also his own self-destructive arrogance the only way he knows how: by making Damien the new Robin, much to the chagrin of ...
Jason Todd was created by Gerry Conway and Don Newton, and introduced in 1983's Batman #357, though it took several issues ...
We’ve all experienced the feeling of eating way too much at our favorite fast-food restaurant. But what if the food you ate ...
After he freed himself, Dick Grayson credited his training to one “Dibny the Contortionist.” That curious name may ring a ...