Entering this Lenten season, the words prayer and fasting have taken on a deeper significance as I strive to make this Lent ...
Livin' on a prayer
Prayers are seen as a form of communication with God across religions, with the ultimate prayer being surrender to God's will. The story of a disciple named Giri, who received his guru Adi Sankara's ...
Perhaps the best way to begin praying is to stop praying. To set aside our prayer lists and surrender our personal agendas.
Faith is a journey that continues the whole of your life. The first step on this adventure is to surrender to God. The Lord ...
You have to be willing to surrender your cares ... in a totally new way that changed everything. You ask God to answer your prayers as you present your petitions to Him. Afterward you go right ...
Beyond spoken prayers, Krishna highlights meditative awareness as the highest state of connection with the divine. Stillness and surrender allow us to experience God within, rather than seeking ...