During February and March, volunteers head out after dark with buckets and florescent jackets to stand on roads across the UK ...
A volunteer who helps amphibians cross roads so they can mate says Gloucestershire is in for a late toad migration this ...
The Natterjack Toad is Ireland’s only native toad species and found in just a handful of mostly coastal locations in Kerry.
Tadpoles are black or dark brown and eggs are black. HABITAT: Boreal toads primarily occupy slow-moving streams, beaver ponds, small lakes, reservoirs, stock ponds, wet meadows, seeps, creek pools, ...
Every year, dozens of toads are run over while crossing the road to their breeding ponds, although volunteers try and save as many as possible. "We're delighted and surprised because it has been a ...
Islanders have been asked to become citizen scientists in a bid to help Jersey's newts, frogs and toads. Jersey Biodiversity Centre (JBC) wants people to record wildlife they see in their ponds ...
Frogs are amphibians that live in freshwater ponds and lakes. Frogs have smooth skin, no tail, and strong, webbed feet that they use for jumping and swimming. Toads are amphibians that live in ...