Scientists discovered two Jurassic bird fossils in China, pushing back bird diversification by 20 million years. One, ...
Two bird fossils dating back 149 million years ... “Previously, the oldest record of short-tailed birds is from the Early Cretaceous. Baminornis zhenghensis is the sole Jurassic and the oldest ...
The bird has a short tail ending in a pygostyle ... (photo credit: from video by Ren Wenyu) Scientists described two fossilized birds from the Jurassic period in a recent article published ...
Chinese palaeontologists have found what could be the world’s oldest bird fossil, a “landmark” find that could shed light on one of the most important chapters in evolutionary history.
Its short tail ends in a compound bone called the ... "The discovery of the two fossils indicates that at least two species of birds lived in the Zhenghe Fauna," Wang said. The Zhenghe Fauna ...