Short curly natural hairstyles offer Black women a stunning array of options to ... age-appropriate look that can be worn casually or dressed up with accessories, making it a fun and functional ...
Consumer Reports finds harmful chemicals in popular synthetic hair used for braids and wigs, raising health concerns for ...
Here, Vivienne Dovi runs through the five hairstyles she relies on for easy ... but I understand why some Black women prefer to visit hair stylists instead. Hairdressers are usually a lot quicker ...
Though we still may be some weeks out until summertime, one of the go-to hairstyles for Black women during that season —a.k.a. braids ... the highest amount of VOCs in one product reaching up to 14.
Research suggests the synthetic hair used for braiding could be bad for you - but will that stop women using it?
It was her own natural haircare journey that inspired her to help women understand their hair type and what it needs to stay ...
Their Beautiful Roots': Black women discuss complex relationship between hair, culture and health The conversation explored ...