Light smoke may be visible in Woodland Park Thursday, thanks to a controlled pile burn, according to a Pike-San Isabel ...
So, is a weed burner the perfect tool for gravel? It can be, but there are risks, so proper safety precautions are absolutely vital. Weed burners can also be used to light bonfires and melt snow ...
PATERSON, New Jersey (WABC) -- A three-alarm fire that burned through a marijuana dispensary in Paterson, New Jersey, is now being investigating as a possible arson. The flames broke out just after ...
They singe young weed shoots, so they never get a chance to get established. The key to using them effectively is getting to the weeds when they’re just breaking the surface, not fully grown. Trying ...
Jason Norsworthy, weed scientist with the University of Arkansas, is attacking the soil seed bank with a no-prisoner policy: capture, burn and kill. He’s testing a new weapon in the resistant ...
Light smoke may be visible north of Woodland Park Thursday, thanks to one controlled burn. Additionally, a second controlled burn is planned on Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Station land on Saturday.