Since the advent of geobrowser Google Earth, a number of strange and mysterious things around the globe are visible.
It might sound strange, but there is a place on Earth where you can actually hear sounds like these.This place, the quietest ...
Scientists discovered that methyl halides, a gas produced by microbes, could be a biosignature for life on distant planets.
If venusian clouds contain life, it will be very different than what we know. But terrestrial analogs might still give us ...
Of all the weird things you can find on Google Maps, Montana might be home to one of the most charming landmarks. When you search Google for 'cool stuff in Montana' - this isn't something that comes ...
Strange transformations are taking place around the world because of alien ... events that lead some scientists to believe life on Earth may be pushed to extremes by rising global temperatures.
Strange Days on Planet Earth is a multi ... than Mexico’s Mayan Riviera where some of the fastest growth on Earth is taking place. Yet all this development depends on a hidden and vulnerable ...