TV actor Ram Kapoor recently reminisced about working with Prachi Desai on the hit show Kasamh Se. In an interview, he fondly called Desai a 'bacchi,' noting their age gap during the shoot.
After making headlines for his astonishing body transformation, Ram Kapoor has spoken up for the first time about his experience working with Prachi Desai in the TV show Kasamh Se (2006), in which ...
Prachi Desai became a household name with her debut TV show Kasamh Se (2006) and later began her Bollywood journey with Rock On (2008). She followed it up with films like Once Upon A Time in ...
Trivia: Prachi Desai sets a perfect example of a successful ... lead role in soap-queen Ekta Kapoor’s television drama Kasamh Se. Her character ‘Bani’ opposite TV actor Ram Kapoor became ...
Prachi Desai, who recently ventured into the Telugu industry with the web show 'Dhootha,' shared insights into her experience working with Manoj Bajpayee in the film 'Silence: Can You Hear It.' ...
Ram Kapoor discusses his experience working with a 17-year-old Prachi Desai on Kasamh Se, acknowledging the large age gap but trusting the show's casting. He highlights the demands of being an ...