In an interview, Yemeni President Rashad al-Alimi accuses Iran of cooperating with al-Qaida. He says Tehran is working with the terror group and with the Houthis in Yemen to exert control over the Red ...
Donald Trump's most important security advisers used Signal to discuss an imminent military strike. Now, reporting by DER ...
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus became famous through his revolutionary ideas in development aid. For the last half ...
Donald Trump is currently transforming the U.S. into an authoritarian state, argues Harvard Professor Steven Levitsky, author of "How Democracies Die." And he is using an unexpected twist in the ...
The images that began coming out of Bergamo in early 2020 - of coffins being loaded onto military trucks as the coronavirus tightened its grip - spread fear across Europe. And the scars are still ...
Germany should take on a leadership role in defending the international legal order against attacks from Russia and, now, the United States. That also means that Friedrich Merz must rescind his ...
Fünf Millionen Zuschauer allein in französischen Kinos: Das Liebes- und Gangsterdrama »Beating Hearts« ist ein Vergnügen aus ...
Trotz der Wahlpleite hat sich Lars Klingbeil die Macht in der SPD gesichert, mancher Genosse fühlt sich an eine US-Serie ...
Die 100 besten Bücher der Welt, Erbfluch, Asylpolitik, die Wirtschaftskrise, Kommunikationswege und Ernährungsirrtümer – das ...
SPIEGEL: Herr Flossbach, Deutschland nimmt etliche Milliarden Euro für die Infrastruktur in die Hand und hat die ...
Er war so bekannt wie später nur Mutter Teresa oder Nelson Mandela. SPIEGEL-Leser Frank-Lothar Krawolitzki lernte Albert ...
Die Autorin Liz Moore verändert ein Genre. In ihren Thrillern dürfen Frauen alles sein: schwach, mutig, schlau, ...