The solicitation for SFY 2024-2025 FIF Abridged Applications has passed. Any SFY 2024-2025 FIF Abridged Application received moving forward will now be added to the bottom of the project ...
Texas has numerous aquifers capable of producing groundwater for households, municipalities, industry, farms, and ranches. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) recognizes 9 major aquifers − ...
Why complete a Water Loss Audit? Water is a precious and finite resource. Water loss control benefits the utility by conserving its water and diminishing its need for future acquisitions of additional ...
The Amistad International Reservoir is located in Val Verde County, Texas and the State of Coahuila, Mexico, with the dam approximately 12.8 river miles above Del Rio and Ciudad Acuña. The Amistad dam ...
The Lavaca Regional Water Planning Area is composed of Jackson and Lavaca counties and Precinct 3 of Wharton County, including the entire City of El Campo. Other cities in the region include Edna, ...
There are seven major and five minor bay and estuary systems covering 2.6 million acres along the Texas Gulf Coast. These estuarine ecosystems include open water bays, intertidal mudflats, and ...
The mission of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) is to lead the state's efforts in ensuring a secure water future for Texas. Our mission is a vital part of Texas' overall vision and the state's ...
The term "environmental flows" is used to describe the flow of water (both quantity and timing of flow) needed to maintain ecologically healthy streams and rivers, as well as the bays and estuaries ...
For centuries, people have relied on rainwater harvesting to supply water for household, landscape, livestock, and agricultural uses. Before the advent of large centralized water supply systems, ...
These estimates are produced using information from the annual Water Use Survey and water use estimates for irrigation, livestock, municipal, manufacturing, mining and steam-electric power categories.
The TWDB generated template GIS geodatabases with multiple feature classes and tables for the RFPGs. Each planning group must fill the template geodatabase with relevant regional flood planning data.
LCRA's new Redbud Center in Austin is a model of sustainable design, water efficiency and water conservation. This unique public facility has meeting rooms, an interpretive park with trails along the ...