Mumbai Police on Monday conducted a search operation in West Bengal’s Nadia district and arrested a woman in connection with the attack on Bollywood superstar Saif Ali Khan, a source said. Investigation revealed that the SIM used by the Bangladeshi national,
The investigation into the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case has progressed, but not without setbacks. The fingerprints found at Khan’s residence do not match those of Shariful Islam Shehzad, a Bangladeshi national arrested for allegedly attacking Saif at his home.
After the shocking twist of the accused's fingerprints not matching those found at actor Saif Ali Khan's home, here's what the Police are doing next!
Mumbai Police have dismissed the claims of fingerprints not matching with the Bangladeshi accused Shareeful Islam. Heres what they are saying.
A man who was detained in Durg in Chhattisgarh as a suspect in the January 16 Saif Ali Khan attack case said on Sunday (January 26, 2025) that his life is in complete disarray following police action, leaving him without a job, a snub from his prospective bride and family facing ignominy.
A Mumbai man was misidentified by Mumbai Police as Saif Ali Khan’s attacker. The 31-year-old lost his job and marriage prospect after the incident.
Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan undergoes emergency surgery after sustaining stab wounds during late-night home invasion at his Mumbai residence.
The wrongful identification took a serious toll on Akash Kanojia’s life. His employer terminated his contract, and his marriage proposal was called off because the bride's family was influenced by the media coverage.
Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was out of danger, police said on Thursday, following stab injuries received in a scuffle with an intruder at his home in India’s financial capital of Mumbai for which he was undergoing surgery.
Indian Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan has been stabbed in a scuffle with an intruder at his home and has undergone surgery at a hospital
His wife, Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, and sons Taimur, 7, and Jeh, 3, were also present in the house but were unhurt
A man detained in Durg as a suspect in the Saif Ali Khan attack case claimed his life has been in turmoil since the police action, leading to job loss, rejection from his prospective bride, and family disgrace.