The Eurocentric concept of the “Dark Ages” has often obscured the rich, diverse, and sophisticated developments in Africa.
You'll find three primary pyramids, the best known being the Great Pyramid – affiliated with Khufu, the Fourth Dynasty pharaoh ... Memphis Tours and Emo Tours Egypt cost between $80 and $125 ...
The burial chamber most likely belonged to a ruler in a line of kings once lost to history, researchers said. “It’s a new ...
An international team of archeologists have discovered a massive tomb that belonged to one of ancient Egypt ’s earliest ...
Archaeologists have discovered the large limestone burial chamber of an unidentified ancient Egyptian pharaoh near the city ...
A 2014 excavation proved the Abydos Dynasty existed. Now, Archaeologists have found a second tomb, but the king's identity ...
For thousands of years, Abydos has been the city of the dead. It’s one of Egypt’s most sacred and ancient burial sites, ...
The royal tomb of an unidentified ancient Egyptian pharaoh from 3,600 years ago was unearthed by archaeologists. It was ...
Archaeologists have unearthed the huge tomb of an unknown pharaoh at an Egyptian necropolis, a team of researchers said on ...
BlackRock and Mediterranean Shipping Company positioned themselves to profit from Trump's new world order, leaving Gulf ...