If you currently dial seven digits for a local call in the Detroit area, get ready to include the 313 area code.
The city will run out of available 313 numbers by 2027. New phone customers will be assigned 679 numbers starting in November ...
Starting Oct. 7, all local calls in Detroit and nearby areas will require dialing 10 digits. A new area code, 679, may be ...
On Thursay, Detroit is celebrating 313 Day, honoring Detroit's area code and some area McDonald's will offer a one day only ...
And, not to worry, it’s not just locations in the 313 area code participating but those in the 248, 586, and 734 area codes. According to a news release, here are the participating locations ...
One of the notable fish fries in Detroit, the parish will have only one fish fry dinner this Lenten season. A buffet-style dinner with fried cod, grilled shrimp, pierogi, baked potato, mac and cheese, ...
An appeals court judge who could hear Jefferson Griffin's protest over thousands of ballots in his bid for a seat on the ...
Since January, the Ocean County Health Department has inspected 597 restaurants, convenience stores and cafeterias.
A satisfactory rating means that the food establishment is in “substantial compliance” with state health codes while a conditionally ... Peking Chinese Restaurant at 734 Route 37 W.
The pair’s disappearance and the inevitable (but delayed) suspicion of foul play hit home for Cam because he had not only lived in East Gippsland all his life but knew the Wonnangatta area well ...