The Conversation spotlights Ada Lovelace, a female programming pioneer, more than a century before digital electronic computers were developed, for Women's History Month.
With Civilization 7's inaugural major update, Ada Lovelace, the game's first post-launch leader, is here. We've been giving ...
The Programmer. Meet Ada Lovelace in the latest Civilization 7 trailer and learn about the world's first computer programmer ...
A study from the Ada Lovelace Institute flags up a range of issues that threaten trust in technology, including concerns over ...
For Women’s History Month, we celebrate the women whose discoveries paved the way for modern medicine and technology.
The six women celebrated are: Fossil hunter Mary Anning, who uncovered the first complete Plesiosaur skeleton. Computer ...
At long last, Great Britain is available as a modern day civilization in Civ 7, but fans aren't happy with the state of ...
Are you wondering what Civs to pick as Ada Lovelace? Here are the best Civs in each Age for Ada Lovelace in Civ ...
Some Civ 7 players have gained access to Part 2 of the Crossroads of the Worlds DLC three weeks early due to a mistake by ...
From space, to medicine, our workplace, and our home, women inventors have impacted who we were and who we are now.