As you’re well aware, we’ve been compiling a list of the best spy movies to better prepare our operatives in the field. It ...
A future where many humans are in love with bots may not be far off. Should we regard them as training grounds for healthy ...
A touching tale of a child prodigy born in the wrong place, El Jeramías captures what's truly great about Mexico.
Friends and former colleagues of influential drag artist Frank Pearson have been remembering the man perhaps better known as ...
For those who love comedy, humor and dynamic plays, several Parisian theaters host quality productions with renowned artists.
F irst appearing in 1985, cartoonist and writer Alison Bechdel and her friend Liz Wallace devised the Bechdel Test as a ...
Alan Turing Way has been closed by police this afternoon following a serious crash near to the Etihad football stadium. Police, fire crews and paramedics are in attendance at the busy junction ...
For that money, G6 buyers will get the Xpeng-developed Turing AI intelligent driving system – an advanced ADAS system powered by the company’s 40-core “Turing chip” processor that ...