Canadian lumber company Transpac Group confirmed on March 13 that it’s largely shutting down its site on Afognak Island near ...
If you’re planning a Disney Cruise to Alaska, you’re probably aware of all the amazing Disney Alaska Port Adventures to ...
President Trump issued two new executive orders on March 1 to expand logging in national forests. They could affect Tongass ...
Commentary author Hunter H. McIntosh writes that despite its immense ecological and economic value, the Tongass remains under ...
And they just might enjoy an entertaining lumberjack show or floatplane ride to kick off their day while in town. Watch Alaska's hearty lumberjacks battle British Columbia's tough woodsmen in a ...
After joining the Biden administration's push for younger-growth harvests, an Alaska timber association is asking the Forest ...
Reversing the Roadless Rule on the Tongass risks dragging us back to the destructive days of clearcut logging, and it’s simply not what most Alaskans want right now.
Trump’s plans could open 9 million acres of the 17-million-acre forest for logging and mining. Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy on Monday said the president’s actions could create “great paying ...
Trump's plans could open 9 million acres of the 17 million-acre forest for logging and mining. Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy on Monday said the president's actions could create "great paying jobs" in ...