POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
While scratching an itch can worsen skin allergies, it can also improve the body’s defense mechanism against certain bacterial infections.
Frequent scratching, licking or biting may be a sign that your wet-nosed companion needs veterinary care. Chronic itching and ...
In NYC, spring kicks off tree pollen season, followed by grass pollen in the summer and weed pollen in the late summer and ...
Ever wondered why the inside of your ears might itch and how to deal with it effectively? You're in the right place! The reasons 🔍 In this video, we'll explore: Dry Skin in Ears: Learn how dry skin ...
“Persistent itching can lead to discomfort, skin damage and secondary infections. Identifying the cause and seeking appropriate treatment is essential for your pet’s well-being.” Dogs can suffer from ...
Left untreated, some conditions that cause ear pain can lead to hearing loss. But effective treatment can usually relieve ...
Scratching your skin can feel satisfying, but learn how it impacts inflammation and bacterial infection defense.
For itchy, watery eyes ... and you shouldn’t miss work due to seasonal allergies. If allergies lead to complications like chronic ear or sinus infections, asthma attacks or eczema flares ...