The famous helmet from the ship burial at Sutton Hoo in England may be evidence that Anglo-Saxon warriors fought as mercenaries for the Byzantine Empire in the sixth century, a new study finds.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is one of the most important artifacts of English history. As a text, it is a remarkable record of ...
In Roman Britain many people had been Christians. But the early Anglo-Saxons were not Christians, they were pagans. Anglo-Saxons believed in lucky charms. They thought that rhymes, potions ...
I attended a workshop in Fulda, a city right in the middle of Germany. To medievalists, it is best known as the resting place ...
One state mouthpiece who once boasted how Russia could reduce the United States to a smouldering pile of radioactive ash, is now talking about a “great troika” of China, Russia and the US.
En Angleterre, au Pays de Galles, le baccalauréat se fait en 3 ans. À la différence des systèmes américains et écossais, l'étudiant doit choisir dès la première année universitaire une spécialité ...
West-Stow Anglo-Saxon Museum closed after the power cut hit the IP28 6 area, just north of Bury St Edmunds. A museum's manager said: "It isn't a total hit as we've been able to have families and ...
Free play sessions will be held at one of the country's most famous Anglo-Saxon archaeological sites. From March, the National Trust is opening up its Sutton Hoo site, near Woodbridge, in Suffolk ...