The whales, which have distinctively long tusks, were filmed in the Arctic chasing a fish in what seemed like a “cat-and-mouse” game, surprising scientists.
(CNN) — Scientists say they have the first recorded video evidence of narwhals using tusks not only to strike and manipulate fish during feeding but also engage in what appears to be playful ...
Narwhals wield their iconic tusks in surprising ways — possibly even to play with newfound toys. Aerial videos showed the Arctic whales swinging their “horns” to thwack fish prior to eating ...
"I think these are short term videos that show a few narwhals at the surface, you know, moving their heads around in the vicinity of a fish," says Kristin Laidre, a polar biologist with the University ...
"Narwhals are known for their 'tusking' behavior ... and Natural Resources Canada's Polar Continental Shelf Program.