Sadly, senior rescue animals are ignored all too often, as Rio, a seven-year-old tuxedo cat at the Broward County Humane ...
HE is on a mission to help our pets  . . . and is here to answer YOUR questions. Sean, who is the head vet at tailored pet ...
Leash training a cat doesn't really involve much training. You can’t really train a cat to heel and walk beside you like a ...
Pets do not understand the concept of clocks changing and rely on their owner’s schedule for their mealtimes, exercise, ...
Cats communicate in a variety of ways and, for us to increase our understanding, it is important to learn and appreciate all ...
While it’s undoubtedly one of the ways Gen Z treats their pets that boomers laugh at, giving their animals their own bedroom ...
Thirty-eight years ago, an ambitious young cartoonist named Frank Caruso turned up to the Manhattan offices of King Features ...