Keywords Moon travel, lunar exploration, soil tests, vehicle design, vacuum conditions, gravity, Archimedean screw, wheeled vehicles, tracked vehicles, lunar surface, astronaut safety Email us at ...
This is not the first time that a hydroelectric scheme at Pulteney Weir has been considered. In 2013, the idea was floated of installing an Archimedes’ screw-style hydroelectric generator at the weir.
Mathematician Dr. Steven Strogatz breaks down the history of the math concept and brings it full circle to recent science.
The most common types of mechanical or manual jacks, like the scissor jack included with almost all cars, use something called a lead screw, which is the same concept that Archimedes was playing ...
Developed in ancient times with applications such as Archimedes’ screw, hydraulics have evolved significantly over the centuries. Modern hydraulic systems are integral to various industries ...
Objects on display included an air pump with a compression chamber, a water-raising machine and an Archimedean screw. There was even a polemoscope, or ’jealousy glass’, used by opera goers to spy on ...
From his screw pump to compound pulley systems and defensive mechanisms for his home island of Syracuse, Archimedes is genuinely one of the greatest engineers. Another of the greatest engineers of ...