Canada continues vital protections for North Atlantic right whales, but Oceana Canada urges stronger measures, including ...
Like any sane person, I had a fear of heights and said that I’d like to get a groundman’s job, which I was told entailed ...
Jet fuel has spilled into the North Sea after an oil tanker collided with a cargo ship off the coast of East Yorkshire. US ...
Ernst Russ, who owns the cargo ship involved in the tanker collision in the North Sea, adds in a statement that it "has been ...
Island agencies saw a record number of marine mammal strandings in 2024, responding to more than 40 incidents, the highest in ...
The government estimates that NOAA’s projects and services support more than one-third of the nation’s gross domestic product. Yet, this is one of the agencies that the Trump administration has ...
Convair isn't the world's biggest aircraft maker, but its 990 Coronado was one of the fastest planes of the 1960s. Why was ...
While the exact number of Rice’s whales remaining in the Atlantic Ocean is unknown ... due to energy exploration and oil spills, getting caught in fishing gear, and human-created ocean debris ...
Executive orders Trump has signed since taking office have already stripped away some protections for wildlife, with his determination to make drilling for oil easier and his apparent lack of ...
Oil spills and raw sewage were polluting waterways. Fishermen were using high-tech gear, such as pound nets ... In the Northwest Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, invasive lionfish, native ...