A federal judge has dismissed two lawsuits filed on behalf of residents living near where mid-Michigan dams that failed, ...
A festival centered on cheeseburgers might sound, well, cheesy, but also delicious. You'll get to experience that and more in ...
A look at upcoming outdoors-related events from across Michigan published in the March 28, 2025, edition of Outdoor News.
Michigan's Chain of Lakes region is a stunning place to explore. For the most luxurious experience, head to this resort that ...
I have often said if God put me in charge, we’d have 10 Octobers and two Aprils. As we head into my second-favorite month of ...
Winter weather with lake effect snow showers kicks off the new week. Sunshine and some warmth try to arrive around the middle of this week.
monitor and maintain water quality in Three Springs Creek (which flows into North Bay and Lake Michigan) and manage invasive species and sustain native plant communities for biodiversity.
The kids fished for Northern Pike, walleye, crappy and panfish on the lake where the old Lac Vieux Desert village used to be.
The Latest from Storm Team 5… Today was the best day of the weekend, as sunshine emerged in the afternoon, bringing highs ...
During the peak shipping season, the Great Lakes region has well over 100 bulk carrier, self-unloading, straight-deck ...
Your mind might not immediately go to "Wisconsin" when thinking about golf trips, but these championship courses could change ...
For most of us, the best way to get into good fishing is to go find it.